Tuesday 31 October 2023

Showcase (11) : Smith-Corona GT

The Italian design firm Ghia are well-known for their car designs, especially for deluxe models in the Ford range in latter days, but did you know they also once designed a typewriter too? The nice but somewhat curious Smith-Corona GT has Ghia (and thus automotive like) styling. This is a typewriter with go faster stripes and pieces of rubber on the trim including the carriage return lever! When you open the case (which carries the Ghia badge like a proud owner's Ford Grenada Ghia) you get the smell of rubber!

Although a rather plasticky machine from the mid 1970s, the typewriter works pretty well, the Q key sticks when used but other than that there are not any other problems to report and i have been using it recently for my touch typing practice. The ribbon was recently changed, this was a much more fiddly (and inky finger dirty) job than usual.