Tuesday 26 December 2023

The Christmas loot

Merry Christmas to all visitors! This year i got two more vintage calculators for my collection rather than the typewriter fest last year (but it's been a while - at least a couple of months - since i got a new typewriter so i must fix that in early 2024!) The new calculators are a really neat looking National Semiconductor 750 Novus and a Busicom 1210PD

Now the latter brand, Busicom, is notable. In one of their earlier machines they asked Intel for a chip for the mathematical calculations. The chip Intel produced was the 4004 which can be argued to be the forerunner of the CPUs used in PCs through to this very day... 

Both machines work, the 750 Novus has some pleasing red LED numbers. The Busicom printer works though it needs a new ribbon, a project for 2024 if i can source a new ribbon.