Tuesday 26 March 2024

Mysterious calculator keys (1) : Lozenge

As well as the typewriter, some calculators also have keys which have some sort of esoteric mysterious function which we will examine in this new series. Lets start with the lozenge! Not all calculators have this key, those that do in my collection are some of the larger mains powered printer calculators which are designed for heavy duty number crunching.

So, what does this key mean? Quite simply the lozenge means subtotal, important when you are doing the wages on a Friday morning for example. A couple of examples from our collection:

On the Silver-Reed 1250PD at least, a lozenge is generated on the print out when you press the lozenge key. Unfortunately i can't tell if this is also done on the other printer calculators i have yet as they all need new ribbons!