Tuesday 16 May 2023

Showcase (8) : Smith-Corona XE1630

If you collect typewriters you may have noticed that electric typewriters tend to be pretty cheap, thats because most of them suck and often don't work. However, my Smith-Corona XE1630 does work fine though did not come from the market or eBay. In fact it was my Mum's last working typewriter, she let me have it last year on condition i didn't get rid of it just in case she ever needs to use it. Quite why she thinks i would get rid of a typewriter is of course a mystery...

The XE1630 isn't a very exciting machine though, it is very much of it's time and typical of the last gasp of typewriter available before people just switched to microcomputers. The keyboard is very quiet and a bit spongey which i dislike, even my Mac has a mechanical keyboard louder than God. The typewriter is fine though and works well, it is a valued part of the collection, especially as its the only electric i have that actually works!