Tuesday 23 May 2023

Type sketch art

We humans have always found ways to use and push technology, especially mundane every day tech, in ways never originally intended, especially to create art. Human ingenuity has enabled for example music to be created using the clicks and whirrs of a floppy disk drive, in earlier times expert use of the typewriter was used to create artworks. The use of typewriters to create images goes back to the earliest days of the typewriter in the late nineteenth century.

Type sketch art can still be done nowadays, and it is something i will try myself one day perhaps as there are various books online with type sketch art projects, but the heyday was undoubtedly when millions of people daily used typewriters for work in the first half of the twentieth century. One example from the early 1930s was a competition in the New Movie Magazine for typists to recreate photographs of movie stars using their typewriting skills in this case Greta Garbo.